§ 8.5-12. Basis for area of special flood hazard.  

Latest version.
  • The areas of special flood hazard identified by the Federal Emergency Management Agency in its Flood Insurance Study (FIS), dated September 29, 2010, with accompanying maps and other supporting data and any revision thereto, are adopted by reference and declared a part of this chapter.

    For those land areas acquired by a municipality through annexation, the current effective FIS dated September 29, 2010, with accompanying maps and other supporting data and any revision thereto, for McDuffie County are hereby adopted by reference.

    Areas of special flood hazard may also include those areas known to have flooded historically or defined through standard engineering analysis by governmental agencies or private parties but not yet incorporated in a FIS.

    The repository for public inspection of the flood insurance study (FIS), accompanying maps and other supporting data is located at the McDuffie County Planning Commission.

( Ord. No. 547, 9-9-10 )